Saturday, May 19, 2018

YAEL, Sammarco

Finally I am starting to feel a bit like myself again. I have been totally overwhelmed of stress, finishing my master thesis. When that happens (stress levels up from ”stress” to a state of paralysis of one's soul) all my senses shut down. I cant manage stimuli, especially not smells since that sense often interacts with my others. But now things are starting to slow down. I start to breathe again and after that my mind slowly opens up, being ready for impressions again.

Todays fragrance, YAEL by Sammarco, connects with two of my other senses, both the sense of touch and hearing. They are connected, roots from the same impression but splits and the result is a sound and a sensory feeling.

YAEL has the sound that comes from thin fabric catched by wind.
The feeling of YAEL, as I said, roots from the same source. Only a bit more specific. Thin fabric, not silky or soft, it’s linen fabric. Wearing linen fabric on a windy day. The wind catches your clothes and  in those short moments it touches your skin, that is YAEL.

Beautiful orris, cassis, raspberry, ginger and vanilla. One of the best releases in 2017 in my opinion.